Tim Barrus: There are no happy endings. Only punishment.

I am a communist. The word capitalism is never used. David Brooks is sad. However, there were some of us that were on rooftops yelling that this “stuff”, this “stuff,” is coming like a train wreck. I wrote piece after piece, writing after writing, video after video — all of this “stuff” was on the way, and there is nothing to stop it. But no one read a word of it. Add censorship to your list of woes. You are dumbed down by a status quo that hates you as much as you hate them. Can you possibly imagine why I was thrown off the New York Times (we are up to being booted ten times last year). Because no one agrees with my take. ESPECIALLY David Brooks. Who has been ideologically Miss Mary Sunshine With Caveats. The rest of the world is afraid of you because you are so malevolently unpredictable. Capitalism hates unpredictable. Biden claims we can go back. Your economic paradigms are what is hateful. So, of course you are hateful, but in Brooks bubble, everyone is nice. There’s an underlying theme. “If only we could be gentlemen.” The rich agree. Writers are told to make their endings happy endings. Because people can’t take anymore. But the happy ending “stuff” is a lie, and people are not as stupid as their cultural leaders think. The media is a beast of no accountability. Read for your life. Lunatic fringes are ephemeral. They don’t have the power to tear America apart. Only we can do that. Brooks just released the water from the dam.