Tim Barrus: Religion Is a Lie
I am a communist. I like the fact that communists would spread the wealth around. There is a lot of wealth out there to solve every single problem Homo sapiens have. From childhood disease to climate change. From the old white men and their cigars, to the women of the world who could run the world and take it from the invested little males, and, this time takeover would be about five minutes. But the continuity we need to do this flies in the face of all the teeth and grit ready to bite us hard. Can democracy win out against the bomb bunker of ignorance. Liberals say yes. But no. The past two years, I have been screaming that everything that has happened would happen juxtaposed against our riots, our capacity for murder, the famines we cause. Russia is not the only country ready to kill the royal family. More heads will be chopped off. Does this sound like accommodation to you. Chopped heads on spikes are irrelevant. Ships simply appear on the vast horizon. We know what is there. We don’t use atomic weapons because we know what is there. We can take their wealth because we know what is there. Because we know their bones that history speaks with. We dig them up. What we find are rusted swords stuck in skulls. We have no founding fathers. What we have is old white rich men who lived off someone’s back with whips. What we have is a dinosaur that is as old as the fall of Rome. I don’t know why we don’t obliterate Russia. Because they would obliterate us. Religion is a lie.