Tim Barrus: Physics Report

Black Holes Could Be Memory

 If memory is information, and it doesn’t matter if that information is neurological or not. Our lives can be broken down and analyzed through math and some theoretical physics. 2 Sides. 1.) No one knows what becomes of anything drawn into an event horizon. What we do know is that anything that gets too close has its atoms stripped. Some black holes are bigger than our entire solar system. If everything is information, that information of atom and the strip tease become data to the mass of gravity that is the black hole. We have a spectrum of light being sucked in itself. First, it’s bent. Black holes have have had twelve billion years to grow. Can all that information be inside the black hole. Yes. But how to retrieve it is beyond us. But not forever.

We know nothing beyond the visible universe. We are often wrong. Top theoretical physics think it just might be true that we are inside a hologram because light has so many contradictions. Protons, neutrinos, electrons, Higgs. They flash in. They might bounce around. The space between an electron from a photon is equivalent to the space between us and Jupiter. And Higgs moves the whole dog and pony show. Forward even as it itself collapses. We now have atomic computers. Atoms move information. This will be bigger than AI. That information could BE AI. As it moves stuff, the heat generated is enormous, and the computers themselves need a lot of energy so they must be kept at close to absolute zero so they don’t burn the house down. Your freezer is not absolute zero. Because of the cost, you won’t get one unless your freezer is absolute zero.

The point is that it can be done. We have some billions of years to figure stuff out. Will our species — homo sapiens — survive. Our species has one, maybe two years more to go. Fact: if an electron can be found in two places at the same time, so can a species of sentient beings. One problem is the neutrino. It has no mass. I am guessing but neutrinos have to be a moving part of dark matter. There is no way, dark matter does not move. But what moves it. Probably dark energy. Other physicists are saying it’s entirely possible we live inside a black hole, and we are the information. How can we be information if information is what we seek. Isn’t that what we are now. In my next book, I am leaving theoretical physics to examine through physics (as a vehicle) what consciousness is and where where it came from.