Tim Barrus: One Piece At A Time

What appears to be a wall, a force field, can, in fact, be a tunnel. “Are we always going to sleep on the floor of your friends.”

“Are you complaining.”

“Don’t you have any friends with a bed. I liked the hotel.

“You cannot afford the hotel.”

“But you liked the hotel.”

“I cannot stay in the same hotel twice. One night is it. I’m wanted.”

“For what, murder.”

“Never murder,” I lied. I am wanted for treason and sedition. I hate America.”

“They want you because you hate America. Hating America is not a crime.”

“Trust me. “

“I have no other choice, you know.”

“There are always choices.”

“I’m not leaving you.”

“I drive to Mexico where I buy totally outrageous arial fireworks that you can aim at cops instead of the midnight sky.”

“You mean, like the Fourth of July fireworks.”

“Yes. The only good cop is a dead one. Don’t go into a long silence on me.”

“I’m only trying to figure you out.”

“It’s a fools errand.”