Tim Barrus, New York Times: The Forest For The Trees
There is no infrastructure to reign Trump in. All the hopeful people working so hard to protect democracy sadly cannot see the forest for the trees.
The forest gone. The trees cut down. And America is finished. It is too late to bring a corpse back.
Trump will rise again and the reality that we are ruled by a psychotic does in no ways mean Trump has lost his grip, his cruelty, his racism, and we are all painfully aware of this long list of freedoms he has obliterated.
America is not in danger. The American sword, now glittering with the blood of lost children, IS the danger.
How does Trump fear nuclear conflict, with anyone, when the man himself, the King of Chaos, can fly above it, can burrow under the ground of ashes, and then rise again with fake stigmata on his hands.
You have elected a traitor.
You have elected the dismantling of your own freedoms.
You have kicked the rest of the world into the ditch. The rest of the world will remember.
America is gone.
There is nothing left to save.
No one wants to say this, but the American people are not the bright and shining light they think they are. You have lost the fight.
There is no coming back. The people who are so heavily invested in the system will insist that Trump can be defeated.
This, in spite of overwhelming evidence that an aberrant, serial, sexual predator can actualize his psychosis with impunity. The media now under attack were the very people who gave the predator his stage.
Tragic. And stupid.