Tim Barrus: Buying Time: NYT

I am a communist. It doesn’t matter what we believe in. I live by myself on a mountain in Appalachia. I can walk outside and see North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia – and West Virginia. Or clouds which are really smoke stack smoke. Trees gone. We raise ten thousand pigs a pig farm. Canned oxygen you get dressed in Hazmet. Dangerous jobs. Still toxic 300 miles away. I only live here. Streams and rivers are poison. If you don’t care, why should we. We have spent 50 years studying toxicity. Stop it. Arsenic. Cadmium. Mercury. Selenium. Cancer now has to wait. Avoid sick folks. Remember: TB. Polio. Syphilis. Our great grandmothers, mothers, grandmothers, older sisters, Aunties, and caregivers we know we are ignorant, we cling to survival on – not a day to day basis – but an hourly one. The lucky among us die ASAP.  Refrigeration. We are suicidally depressed. Hope? There are no rural Appalachian Services that would be a safety net. We are not worth that. In fact, Joe Manchin will not allow it. Addiction and HIV. Addiction and HIV and Covid. I know death. I went through this and AIDS. I am dry inside. I stopped mentoring adolescent boys with HIV. Nothing left. I am alone up here for a reason. I want needle programs. I want addiction programs. I want high school. I want water. Not lead water. I want outreach before not after breakout Omicron events. I want Big. People. Let’s fight. There are Appalachian communities where families dig the family graves with shovels.