They Say I Am a Traitor

The Contact Page on this Format site gets all kinds of crazy email, it’s also where photography gigs come through, and it’s where people who read my work go off the deep end.

You get used to it.

Crazy Time just comes with the territory.

If you take any of it too seriously, you’ll go Miss Sugar Nut. There are many sacred cow subjects Americans hold dear to their little hearts as consecrated, sacramental shrines of purity.

Like the American Constitution. Not that Americans have a clue about what is in the thing.

But if you mess with it, they’ll bloody scream shit until kingdom cum.

Yesterday I was called a soothsayer.

Today, I am a traitor to the cause.

I have no idea what cause. Any cause. What the fuck.

 America’s constitution is ephemeral. It’s wrong. It’s wrong for our “time” because our constitution is – old. It’s like studying a road map on a horse in 1700. We might get to San Francisco, but it will not be by riding a horse. You will have to go the long way around. Our constituion reads like a user’s manual for a spoon. Protected by the High Priests of Spoons who bow and scrape before the Great Spoon that they are imbued with the gravity and authority to interpret the Great Spoon when it speaks to us in an antiquated great spoon language from before the fall of Rome.

Most Americans have no real idea of what the Great Spoon says so we need high priests in black robes to have us hauled to the top of the temples where our brains are analyzed, our hearts pulled out of our chests as sacrifice to the great spoon – an even greater spoon than enshrined documents – who lives in the great spoon sky.


We tune our cars up when they need tuning. We elect new regimes. We have other sacred great spoon priests who redefine shame for us and who write it down in big black great spoon books. Shame on us. We keep screwing up.

We tweak medicine all the time. Our computers receive great spoon updates while we sleep. We build better bombs. When tuning the car doesn’t work, we buy another one. When our sight becomes too cloudy to see, we get new glasses. When we learn French, we grow grapes. When we have forest fires, we sweep the forest floor with brooms.

Our constitution is so old, it turns to dust if we touch it.