they fly to others that they do not know of
I am a communist. Failure times ten. I only live behind a camera. I want to record all of it. The old, white men who control the le-Congress are about to fail us. It is disingenuous to maintain the lie there will be another vote and another vote and another vote. Rubbish. There will only be one vote. To read the NYT as a dissection of what failure is, to buy into a political whirlpool of political corruption, how many senators are going to make money from a bipartisan blueprint that keeps the poor right where they are in a frozen culture that exists in the denial of absolute zero. We can’t even get the NYT to consider publishing voices that are themselves poor, creating a poverty beat inhabited by all sorts of viewpoints as to what can we really do to kick poverty’s ashes. Expose it. A POV that is not academic. Giving people a first hand reflection – in their OWN voices – not the proper voices of the wise old writer men – who have no clue why democrats are suicidal. Because they are privileged. They are immune. The New York Times, too, fails us times ten. They are not immune. We must confront them or we will die as all generations must, and there will be no one to remember we were here, or that we lived at all. How is it the poor are irrelevant, just throw us under the bus. We should be out there begging for two penny tuppence to put in our pathetic cups, but then, we, too, do that with impunity. Evil is called indifference. You will tell the gods that you will try again. Who do you think you are. Government and media are in the business of Shuts Us Up. Powerless.