There Are No Aliens

Tim Barrus, New York Times

Hollywood. Box office. As if, to spark our imaginations, what we buy is a paranoia of exploitation. Buy some plastic aliens for the kids. Homo sapiens have no problem destroying other species. We feed the fear of invasion (by Americans), facilitating fear of technology, corporate greed, the rhetoric of capitalism, religions whose ideology is fixated on the past, the failure of masculinity to protect us, attempting to threaten a species we have no idea as to any inherent capability released at will. As if, they decide they can’t kill us, our numbers being bloated, but they are cognizant they could destroy our food supply chains, We won’t know. We would study them from earth, but faster than light implies there will not be enough time to do that considering it’s time itself that has a gravitas where every 100 years or so gets redefined. Traveling faster than the speed of light will cause us to listen to marginal voices in physics as we look at the evidence we have entertained travelers, we hem, haw, and we agree that we will create our own form of science that could have us moving about an inch an hour around all the lies and what we believe is real we believe in because we believe it. Cooperation seems to be a silly stretch. What if they make no sound. What if they do not write. What if they were as small as a virus, but sentient. We are the meat for the meat hooks. As if the biology of the planet, the typography, the weather matters because they are coming to get our guns.