The Revolutionary War is Irrelevant
We have already lost. Democracy is done.
Trump isn’t yearning to be king. He is king. What astounds me are all the voices calling for – democracy. Say what. Liberals have such a huge investment in saving something already lost, they’re blind and walking in the dark. And bumping up against objects (like walls) that will not move.
Republicans are moved by nothing. They do not care if 500 brown children are now condemned to live the kind of lives only a parent can provide. Republicans are racists and entrenched. The reality is that those children will cost taxpayers one pretty penny. Like Republicans care about fiscal responsibility or responsibility for anything whatsoever. Paul Krugman is right but he’s more right that anyone wants to look at. Democracy has already vanished. There is literally nothing left to save.
Americans have embraced the politics of revenge.
Revenge is a Big Girl motivator. Mob bosses dish it out blood-cold.
Mob bosses steal. Trump is stealing. He’s a psychopathic thief and a serial sexual predator. Congress is an idea from the past. Republicans just love revenge.
There are radicals who understand all of this. But their numbers are small. Trump is already crushing them.
There is no hope that democracy can be brought back. Quite the opposite. There is no evidence to suggest democracy is alive but momentarily asleep. This is the big sleep and it lasts.
Democracy is messy. People want a king.
The Revolutionary War is irrelevant. You lose.
Now what.