The Poetry of Billy the Kid

billy the kid speaks/ he realizes he has nothing to say, just duh, billy does not do well out in the real world he was a fuckin’ inward kinda guy, actually, they broke into that house, there was a pool there, and for an hour they owned it, billy the kid was a lot of bother in river city/ not that you should call him that because he’s easily riled, people want him mellow so they give him fucking drugs, he’s not so combative/ and i am told men take their turns, and when he wakes up he’s bleeding and now the boys call him a whore, something he smiles at coyly/ what i want from all of them is for these kids to discover that it is better for them to remain as bonded and a part of each other’s lives, that thing they will need to learn as much as they can by knowing themselves which usually means we will have a lot of work to do/ the kid is tough as a mean old bird, billy the kid insinuates he can overcome any challenges, not knowing, when, obviously, that you can’t quit school at twelve, but the kid does it anyway/ a 7-11 hotdog is a three course meal if you don’t count the antiretrovirals, and every last one of them was kicked out of the house, runaways: sexuality was a contentious issues you be the big man faggot i’m gonna impregnate yer mother/ all the medical shit hits you like a freight train, and this is all just another challenge which often gets played out blood is blood on concrete, and they have all broken every bone among them/ and they have learned the hard fucking way to not lip off to cops, it’s stupid and the cop can and will shoot you dead right then and there in yer vans, crying for a soul, crying for a soul, crying for a soul/ burning the planet to the ground for what was done to them/ hide the fucking razor blades, these boys invariably go for pills and I am here to tell you he will kill himself, takes no prisoners/ hanging is an echo no one wants to face/ it is my job to see if there is something salvageable in there, usually way down in there, and it hurts, it grinds his guts up, runaway, runaway, runaway/ once you are out that back door, it’s over/ billy the kid speaks/