The Inherent Ability for Self-Determination
Like crows. Rip some meat off a piece of carcass and fly away. Black and purple glints listen to the sun of wings. The Black Raven Crows. Everyone had heard the cultural cawing of species after species, quite clearly, we knew this would happen and it did. Some were stunned. We looted a camera shop and cashed in, Money changes everything, I do not care what the rich say. They cannot defend our poverty when they are the ones who created it. Do not listen to the rich. People took shots at me and not the kind on the Internet this is the guts of who and what we are. Warriors they still wanted to see themselves engaged in some great cause warriors, warriors. So yesterday. They were dated. They were not what the planet needed, but they were what the planet got. The other Tims who claimed they were Tims’ and they had survived. For now. We couldn’t call all of them Tim. They are always jacking me off. I want to cum. Vavavoom voom. Reciprocity is best served rare and the blood, room temperature. Maybe slightly cold in the middle. We are, in anything, carnivores. We are the best at it versus any other species. We have gone from a curiosity to asking the question Why Are You Here.