Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with time

  1. Tim Barrus: The Past Is Another Galaxy Entirely

    To tell the thing as it is without embelishment. No fancy storytelling because that’s my job. To tell the thing in terms of how I saw it, how I see it, and is it that we all see different things. Like sex. Maybe you were there. Maybe you had not…

  2. Tim Barrus, the New York Times

    There is a need for this kind of supportive housing just about everywhere. Fighting back is a very long game. You do it with a life well-lived.

  3. Tim Barrus: Burned At The Stake

    Some people are ticking, and ticking, and just ticking away their time. Some people are burning through it even as their eyes glare back a ravashing emptiness dry as sorrow in the summer.

  4. Paganism

    Put Your Tongue In My Mouth. Plausability opens tough and sour in prescient surmise invited as evidence. A long laundry list of transgression. You thought I was referring to what we call today. But no. I am referring to the lives you’ve lived to arrive explicitly in this place you…

  5. the field

    The gravitational field is more than just a region of influence within time and space. The gravitational field is spacetime. There was no one on the swings.

  6. I Couldn’t Possibly Tell All These Stories

    When you’re caught up in the life – and living it – time becomes a salient animal not unlike the way a cheetah walks, seductively but dangerous. I wanted to love you but karma’s a trip. 

  7. What is Time

    It is hard for human beings to understand that a thing might exist in the same moment it does not exist. It is an enigma. Electrons, too, can be in different parts of the universe even as they exist individually in totally different locations. How does one thing exist in…