Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with tim-barrus-politics

  1. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take notes. Appalachia: I have coffee in the coffee shop on Main Street. We call it Main. The City Fathers arrived to answer questions. There is really only one question: Why did no one show up to help us through a hurricane. You rebuild. Struggling. There used to be mountain

  2. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take notes. The left gets trashed. It’s obfuscation. Who are these people. Name them. You always condemn but condemn who. Why do writers attack a ghost. What are you so afraid of. I’m a radical (are you shivering in your shoes). I cannot be a leftist because it’s lame. And

  3. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take notes. This is darker than it seems. People need time. There is no time. Allow me to be so bold as to suggest that there is another aspect to this. The media. I indict all of you. Might I suggest that the resistance has been forming the structure of

  4. Walking the Walk

    Take notes. We all want to know, is it worth it. This question haunts us as the Internet becomes a utility. The tech oligarchs are not keen on the idea. One of the things FDR did, was bringing electricity to rural America. The people who got electricity last, knew they

  5. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Take notes. The question seems to be: How do we fight back. The alternative torture is to tie ourselves down to any railroad tracks. Oh, we picked #2 refrigerator. Just freeze us for four years. It doesn’t work. Brooks is sensibly telling us to move forward but carefully, and (this

  6. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take notes. I’m not buying it. The election was stolen. Period. I do not sweat the small stuff.  You guys don’t understand that the American people did this. No one else will say this, but the American people are a mean lot. I hate America. I goy my kids out.

  7. Mobsters

    Take notes. The morality of losing everything (usually because someone talked) One of the recurrent themes here is organized crime. We have made the thing a little difficult for made guys in the mob to move among us. The mob has weathered bloody insurrections, federal convictions and undercover agents through

  8. Tim Barrus: What Economics

    Take notes. As the middle class slides down the rabbit hole, the middle class will encounter exactly what they think they left. The lower middle class. We welcome you to our hovel. I cannot read articles like this without thinking: Where are the poor in this. In Appalachia, we know

  9. One Ugly Little Man

    There is an emptiness in this man that cannot believe he even has to run for the position he desires. What about what we want. I failed as a writer, but not as a photographer. This photograph is tiresome. It’s overly pixilated. The photograph is juxtaposed against all the other

  10. Republicans Are Scum

    Civil. War. Americans love to hide behind the word civil. I live in the deep south. Appalachia. It is not that bad a place to live out a life. But there is this problem with the past. It gives people like me – the disabled – flashpoint moments where we

  11. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Trump’s Shit Stinks

  12. Tim Barrus: Why AreYou Here

    People in the New York Times go into a rage over my being a communist. They dive down deep into the rabbit hole because they have taken the bait. The next 42 sentences will all be about why communism was bad and it failed. Kinda like me. Their last sizzle…

  13. Tim Barrus: I am the Man In the Moon, this lantern is the yellow moon, this thornbush, my thornbush, and this dog, my dog.

    I am a communist. Authenticity will grab you. And make you read. My North Carolina is the Blue Ridge. The woods found me. I like to sit on the cabin’s moonshine roof (where I am now) with my phone, and from there I can see more than just the sunset.

  14. Tim Barrus: Ezra Klein on Hope

    Tim Barrus and the New York Times. Ezra Klein is the brightest of the brightest. I have never heard him say the word Aspergers. I embrace the abberation. I hide behind it. It’s Asperger’s fault, not mine. I am a criminal. Does that surprise. Criminality came long before sexuality or…

  15. Tim Barrus: Criminality Is Often Necessary For Democracy 2B Able 2 Call the Clown Car Home

    I am a communist. I would argue that we need more political show trials of notoriety. Talking the talk is so far from walking the walk that fair and equal justice is reduced to a symbolism that shows Americans to be fearful, scared, intimidated, acquiescent, compliant, timid, apprehensive and Mister