Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with tim-barrus-art

  1. Tim Barrus: Thermodynamic Equilibrium

    We could not figure it out. It was strange. I was working on a set, and supposed to be on the lookout for continuity. I never could find continuity. We all pretended some job somewhere needed us. Workers unite. I had one job where all I did was unload lights.

  2. finding our voice in dirt

    I am a communist. Another New York Times dual NYT piece that refuses to give voice to poverty – AND – they are infinitely obstructionist, not so much politically, but culturally. There is no political unless there is culture that agrees to implemment. “The most pro-worker thing we can do

  3. bat mite poverty

    the theatre was dark and thousands of bat mites were screaming with their baby pussypussies and bat mites have a right to be 2 but don’t let them creep under the door to my room they like my buttcrack insect hair you will scratch it

  4. Wolves In the Hollows Live In Cave Dens & You Never See Them Because They Are Afraid

    Andrew and I were standing at the rim of the enormous mud hole of Bassett, Virginia. A Big Girl Mud Hole. A mud hole so enormous, it attracted dirtbike mud hole lovers from as far away as Botswana. It was about the bike.

  5. That Dread of Something After Death

    In college, I was hit at a light and overturned by a woman driving a Cadillac. It was raining hard. She raced off through the light. My books and papers were wet and all over the road. I had to dodge traffic to pick them up. I had to buy…

  6. I Know the Inside Of Your Eyelids

     Sometimes, the victors do, indeed, write the history. At other times, the victors are taking their assumed, patriarchal position in the male-dominated hierarchy for granted. Athens did it. Rome did it. Berlin did it. Tokyo did it. Spain did it. The Catholic church did it when popes were omnipotent. Ancient

  7. Armed Delinquent

    We are the culture of greed, death, indifference, cruelty, mass incarceration, poverty, hunger, suspicion, hate, patriarchal monarchy disguised as democracy, and genocide. Within the context of that evil, bête noire – exactly how is that any different from the cultural nightmare that was ancient Rome’s legacy to the world. The

  8. digger

  9. Tim Barrus Response NYT Ross Douthat

    I am a communist. Capitalism is confused. These ideas will be too radical for Gatekeepers. Because the ideas are the truth. Gatekeepers will never see Appalachia for what it is. A place apart. Not the candy cane Instagram Place Apart. But a Harder Truth. Executions in WV were all hanging

  10. Tim Barrus: Beware Of Their Tongues

    The rich like it rough.

  11. B4 It Was 2 Late

    There is always a Before It Was Too Late. Not unlike the check left on the table at Antoine’s. Running out the door. In full leather. Jumping Jack Flash. Running out the door anywhere back then in full leather (I only wanted the pants because my dick was always hard

  12. Look 4 the Shoes On the Fence Then Turn Left

    It was not easy finding the Ranch.

  13. telescope

  14. Growling like a Carnivore

  15. light years away

  16. I Have Never Been Evasive

  17. His Mouth Approximated a Smile

  18. And Command Him Tasks

  19. movie stars

  20. Kinda. Maybe. No. Could be.

  21. Wild Cats in the Kitchen

  22. I Need To Look Up More Like Looking Up

    The Book of Myths from one sailor to another and they liked my cats who mainly lived under the house on Petronia Street and Simonton.


  24. they fly to others that they do not know of

    I am a communist. Failure times ten. I only live behind a camera. I want to record all of it. The old, white men who control the le-Congress are about to fail us. It is disingenuous to maintain the lie there will be another vote and another vote and another…

  25. the animals know they will be killed now, resigned, depressed, sad, the hammer man arrives to bash your skull in so homo sapiens can eat you

    The sheep know they will be killed. The lambs know, too, they will be killed. It was a hot summer and now fate. They are resigned to their deaths. Both the lambs and their sad mothers had their heads bashed in with hammers. They know enough to scream. Homo sapiens