Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with sexuality

  1. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    SHE WON’T I do not use Google Search, the flagship. It’s just too mean. I find it evil. If you are searching for a contemporary name, what often first appears is Wikipedia on a rant. I have lots of experience with this, having been tarred and feathered. I do wonder

  2. GoingRogue: SexWork: BoyWhores

    GoingRogue. We’ve been traveling on my bike town-to-town, and we’ve been busy as all hell. I take Andrew with me because he was once a major whore. He raked it in. But drug dealing is more money. Like I care. As if.  Andrew projects the tone of authenticity. He can

  3. Tim Barrus New York Times

    The list of things I will not do is far longer than the list of things I will do. For one thing, I won’t get close enough to touch you. I jerk off. Wearing a mask. You watch. And, no, I will not let you touch me for more money.

  4. Gutted In Beds of Ice

    the aproned butchers/ swung their clevers down/ on fresh cold joints/ slapping the thick chops/ and tossing them roughly/ tied/ to the boot delivery boys/ smelling of earth and morning/ wide bellied buttfuck/ clotted damply of black loam/ wrenched from gardens the smell/ of gardens a thunder on the rails/…

  5. Eating Ass

    Most straight boys have no idea what a fetsh really is. For them, it’s merely a stereotype in a world they pretend to fathom. Let us pretend some other guy (sexuality is irrelevant which is a surprise to most straight boys) wants to eat our mythological boy’s little hole. The…

  6. New York Times: On Queer Childhood

    I mentor boys at-risk for HIV. Many of them do sex work. They don’t carry the baggage of typical adolescents. Their baggage is a lot more breath-taking. People see delinquency, the juvenile justice system, and detention. None of which work. That people do not understand homelessness, hunger, and hate, is

  7. When They Realize

    when they realize that life is a fight for it/ all of life is a fight for all of it/ or whatever rush of it they can get a hold of and grab/ all you need are fists/ when they realize that i have survived most of what they continue

  8. Having Lived With You

    having lived with you/ for so many years, i kinda knew what it was you wanted/ what it was you liked/ in that orchestration of a silent language and other things tongues are for/ the darker planets of your delicious bed/ how sharply in it, your cistern just beyond those

  9. Mon Incapacité à se Propager

    je boirais du vin rouge de ton trou comme du sang vous avez été cassé ciel et colline votre enfance de la bouche et tout le monde chante à leur horreur ils sont tous seuls ils sont tout seul

  10. U Know What I Mean U Know What I Mean

    you burned holes where my eyes had been the nagual doesn’t have to be the desert we had it in our hands not knowing anyone could fall down that vortex and the gravity of the thing could easily crush diamonds into the sound of a piano i was the guy

  11. The Sex Police Are Watching

    When I do sex work training workshops, it’s imperative that I cover the explosive issues of sadomasochism. The New York Times is reporting that both Google and Facebook are recording what videos you watch on the Internet. Apparently, you are not able to opt out of the data collection because

  12. Loving Boys At-Risk: Just Before the Cure

    I am acutely aware of the fact that no one in a million years would dare to publish this. That does not mean I do not need to write it. I needed to write it. Yet I can see where it fits tightly into JUST BEFORE THE CURE which is

  13. Most of the Men In My Small World Are Bisexual – Straight Men All Transient Come and Go

    questo amore contorto così com’è rinvigorito  teso magro appena abbastanza merda buco capelli