Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with public-health

  1. Quarantined Boys

    #Does that mean sex, too.” #Sex, too,” I explained. “It’s just another virus, not at all unlike the one you have.” There was a long silence among the boys. One disease could take more than we thought we could handle. Two was an abstraction. We do get out at night.…


    Misha doesn’t sleep. We have that in common. I try my best to get stuff done when the house is quiet. Sleep for boys who have been raped and sexually exploited is a big bag of worms. Medical professionals in Public Health (which should be renamed Public Bullshit) never ask

  3. I Hate the Term: Hard to Reach

    it brings up all the wrong images/ when i hear the term: hard to reach, it makes me want to puke/ it purports that as a source it means you are speaking truth to power when, in fact, it’s sheer bullshit designed to keep people and racial minorities in their…

  4. How Do We Reach the Hard-to-Reach

    I call them Boys-At-Risk. The label is inaccurate. It puts human beings in a box we don’t want to look at, and it’s language as racism personified. I loathe the terminology. But I am at a loss, not in terms of examining the many challenges, but how do I reach…

  5. GoBack2FuckingHellIAmAlreadyThere

    Stick it in my mouth and cum. Then, pay me. My next door neighbor’s house lets winter seep into it like the grey February rain drains through the roof. Go back to where you came from. Hate itself is telling us about hatred in Trump’s America. I hate America. I


    I was twelve. He was a teacher. My parents had explained to me that they could no longer afford me. They had no money. I was on my own. I was terrified. All I had to do was be naked, and then it got a little bit more complicated. He…

  7. Loving Boys At-Risk: Just Before the Cure

    I am acutely aware of the fact that no one in a million years would dare to publish this. That does not mean I do not need to write it. I needed to write it. Yet I can see where it fits tightly into JUST BEFORE THE CURE which is

  8. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    There are times when I do not write about the Smash Street Boys. It is not always appropriate. There are other takes on life. There is life with kids. A huge part of who I am and what I do. There is life in Art. There is inner life. The…


    Fucking Antiretrovirals. Most are not worth the bother to take them. The constant interface with the ”helper” medical community will test your resolve to live. Unless you like being examined and turned inside out every other day. Social missions. Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate is now a Big Girl problem.…

  10. Port of Call

    Public Health has failed us. People tell me all the time: TIM, IT’S NOT LIKE THAT ANYMORE. Supposedly, we are living in a medical Renaissance. What a wonderful time to be alive. Until the day it’s not. Public Health refuses to give him the drugs he needs to stay alive.…

  11. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    AIDS did not go away. There was no one to help. Or to listen.  Caregivers. This was not going to be a vacation. This was not going to be just pop a little pill. Many people can pop that pill and they are fine. For some, the piggyback diseases are…

  12. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    The New York Times keeps publishing the cure for HIV is the cure for HIV when, in fact, such announcements are patently absurd and beneath contempt. Cure? I live in Appalachia. Our HIV clinics (public health) are all deliberately located in far away places we simply can’t get to. Even…

  13. Tim Barrus: The New York Times: Suicide

    http://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/14/opinion/suicide-prevention.html?comments#permid=31069462 After they are dead, I will go into their rooms to smell them. As if to remind myself that each one is a separate individual. I put his pillow in my face and breathe him in deeply. I crawl naked into his bed. I finally sleep. The days after…

  14. Stigma at Public Health


  15. Utterly Useless CDC Posters

    How is it, any of this collection of CDC posters taped to a toilet bathroom wall supposedly stops me in my tracks and compels me to change my entire life. Get real. The hard to reach get stick figures. The CDC is removed from any of the lives I’ve lived.…