Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with prostitution

  1. Tim Barrus, The Little Boxes

    The whores can rent what we call one of the Little Boxes.

  2. pulling rank

    Where is Dirt Bike Town. It’s downriver. Through the high grass fields. Far, unbroken. Dark currents of the universe. Homo sapiens’ Volatiles On Shrooms. When they say volatiles On Shrooms, you can show up in motel room number #13, the Franciscan, Grants, New Mexico. Route 66. Big refrigerator rigs would…

  3. Burger King Ketchups

    Pornographers have, as of late, been more guarded as to What Happens Next.  Publishers, many of them corporate publishers, would call me up because I was poor, a sitting victim I could and did live on $2,000 a year. You try it. “I need ten vanilla, I need three anals,

  4. It is Not Your World

    you would not know this, it’s just not your world/ the best part of turning tricks is when the trick is jacking off in the bathroom, and they sorta get lost in there/ it means the whore might get the room for the night because daddy will probably flee for

  5. The Motel

    I always run out of needle boxes. The murders at The Motel are not your average slash and cut affairs in showers. It’s far more complex than that. It’s just not a place you would bring up the subject of HIV in any conceivable conversation. Tired tourists who find their…

  6. Not Everyone Loves Social Media

    Whenever Jacob finds his image in the art of his buddies, or even in his own art, he vigorously rubs it out. Sometimes he cuts off his head. Other times, paints over, or he just uses permanent market to blot himself out. If you were a kid who has been…

  7. Your Bride’s White Dress

    white people do not think about hunger because they are rarely hungry and there you on the corner and the twisting it’s always worse in the rain and then you ache with sucking old white cock my summary of what is wrong with this picture the lips and teeth of

  8. An Assumed Name

    i never used my real name doing sex work, it wasn’t difficult becoming him, a withdrawal from reality and sleep among the tricks and the travelers who are your fathers and your brothers and your husbands and your sons, your friends and the people you work with and the people

  9. You Wanted To Eat My Hole

    you wanted to eat my hole turning tricks on the street in the rain usually meant someone sucking cock usually in the backseat of a car the one that drove twenty times around the block and it was too cold for your tongue in my shit hole so i told

  10. How Do We Reach the Hard-to-Reach

    I call them Boys-At-Risk. The label is inaccurate. It puts human beings in a box we don’t want to look at, and it’s language as racism personified. I loathe the terminology. But I am at a loss, not in terms of examining the many challenges, but how do I reach…

  11. While They’re Being Fucked, They Dream of Home

    As if their outcalls were a tomb. I am never amazed. I am never stunned. I am never surprised. Yet I was all of this and more. INTERVIEWS WITH BOYS WHO DO SEX WORK as an ongoing project at Smash Street has taken me to places I was astounded to

  12. GoBack2FuckingHellIAmAlreadyThere

    Stick it in my mouth and cum. Then, pay me. My next door neighbor’s house lets winter seep into it like the grey February rain drains through the roof. Go back to where you came from. Hate itself is telling us about hatred in Trump’s America. I hate America. I

  13. Aurelien Was a Whore

    That word again. Aurelien was a veteran of the whore wars. He wanted to be a sex work activist. He wanted us to decriminalize what he did, what I did, what everyone we knew, everyone we lived with, everyone in our drug-saturated bubble did. Sex work was and is mainly


    I was twelve. He was a teacher. My parents had explained to me that they could no longer afford me. They had no money. I was on my own. I was terrified. All I had to do was be naked, and then it got a little bit more complicated. He…

  15. Boys As Whores

    I was one of them. And I know what the fuck I am talking about. You see sex. I see poverty. I know poverty. If you want this to end, if you can even begin to imagine the cyclical nature of it, if you think young boys selling their holes…

  16. Driving Through a Dream: Post 1

    You don’t know me. I used to be a Smash Street Boy a few years ago. I left because I had an opportunity and a scholarship to attend a flight school. I have been back to Smash Street a few months now. I am helping Tim. Trig and I are…