Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with poetry-by-tim-barrus

  1. shoplifting

    you could take it into public      on the night of a mission saving the world was like      shoplifting with stuff shoved down our pants next to our      balls they could search us but they knew we would      blackmail them and blackmailing adults who      wanted to touch us we dared them

  2. gives one pause

    he drives you crazy but your job is to be there for him not when he isn’t driving you miss sugar nut but when he is often, the world they know has rearranged the furniture he cannot understand that the room he is so dead set against is the same…

  3. When They Realize

    when they realize that life is a fight for it/ all of life is a fight for all of it/ or whatever rush of it they can get a hold of and grab/ all you need are fists/ when they realize that i have survived most of what they continue

  4. Having Lived With You

    having lived with you/ for so many years, i kinda knew what it was you wanted/ what it was you liked/ in that orchestration of a silent language and other things tongues are for/ the darker planets of your delicious bed/ how sharply in it, your cistern just beyond those

  5. You Wanted To Eat My Hole

    you wanted to eat my hole turning tricks on the street in the rain usually meant someone sucking cock usually in the backseat of a car the one that drove twenty times around the block and it was too cold for your tongue in my shit hole so i told

  6. Your Parents Were Asleep In The Downstairs Bedroom

    your parents          were asleep/ in the downstairs bedroom we were                          upstairs through lucidity and the night of        thorns/ mayhem unconstrained the milkman stairs groaning but never      taking sides/ your midnight cock like oceans deep in the tearing evidence of blood diffused by        carnage/ your parents downstairs/ unafraid https://timbarrus.tumblr.com

  7. Someplace Else

    all as frantic tongues by night less the depth of grief devours us like the past is just another dragon’s wrath and the parchment to write it on https://timbarrus.tumblr.com

  8. post-card nomadic

    first-one features the camera will come on again dragging out revenge to some stupefied consensus i used to take you to all the shoots pizza for breakfast you were hungover from the night before you called me a post-card nomadic i have been called worse limited access studio shoots are

  9. stop asking me

    stop asking me if i like it/ stop asking me if it needs something, stupid boy, they all need something/ stop asking me about light/ what the fuck do i know about light/ light only is/ stop sacrificing my kingdoms of the dead with your hearts and flowers and sailboats

  10. orphaned by the tide

    in some place of sun/ the light spills dancing on your work/ the quick day is just an accent of bones and dust/ even the word work is more drainage than sweat but sweat, too/ i need room to think/ i need equivalent deserts of the sky in pain/ ripped

  11. You Will Never Understand

    you were managing a mammoth, high impact portfolio mister big shot couldn’t shoot his cum unless he paid me to beat him up

  12. your pain what pain your pain

    he denied he was in pain i ignored the fuck out of him i did eat his ass out though his life was an animal of stealth but i could always smell his desire long before he arrived 

  13. Wooden Porch Swing in the Distance

    behind the house, and just beyond the little woods of oaks, there’s an ancient cemetery where the confederate dead are buried in their sackcloths/ six of us are buried in here, too/ civil war is just another vulture’s boots/ the cemetery itself is dead/ not unlike a darkened theatre, and

  14. what appears to exist

    i am a very dark person/ wilhelm nietzsche was my problematic love child/ reason is impotent/ every moment in life is subject to the subjective interpretation that dominates and prevails at any point along the timeline of history which is mud clinging to a wall not a linear hierarchy or

  15. A Shifting of the Clouds

    the woods behind the house extends a sustained but curious sense of authority as if their push against the sky was preordained which is not true/ but rather/ we are all creatures of evolution/ we were not always this/ but arrived walking out of oceans (heroically) long since disappeared/ more


    infinite beggarly in laying siege to the being gone you must not touch/ you must not touch/ touching is forbidden but plowing your face into some guys’ butt is an accommodation/ you, with the black eyes/ pugnacity and false teaching me to sing again/ i hated them and everything they

  17. Another Night of Whores

    the fuckbucket slinks around the block not unlike the tongues of midnight in ten thousand of them creep along the sidewalks, too if only i could steal myself free of some trick’s eating of my ass i would do it like a tyrant’s vein so blue in temperament all that’s


    https://tim-barrus.format.com/about #ART #PhotographicArt #SmashStreet #poetry

  19. the waffle house poems

    i knew he’d be in there he was he was wanted by the cops for shoplifting at fifteen, he had avoided all the traps the hoodie obfuscated his face from the cameras his tongue was not much given to a torrent of words maybe you might get one word grunts