Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with nature

  1. Not Unlike the Wolves

    I have seen the wolves up close. Only because they allowed it. I had never made a hostile move or one that could be construed to be a threat. I had known wolves before. The clothes I wore, smelled of them. The wolves were cautious. No teeth yet. Wolves will…

  2. The Phantom Drooping Trees

    I doubt that we will see the likes of this again for at least a few lifetimes. Generations of a thin exhaustion. I remember the river. I remember the smell of the river not unlike a slow light upon the ground held in check by rain. I remember watching kids…

  3. I Used to Walk These Places

    the air is always cool there, and sleep is what murmurs in the older oaks/ i am just another old man among all the old men who are seen as shadows and what we do is walk around/ i wonder what it is we look at slumped over like we’ve…

  4. Mon Incapacité à se Propager

    je boirais du vin rouge de ton trou comme du sang vous avez été cassé ciel et colline votre enfance de la bouche et tout le monde chante à leur horreur ils sont tous seuls ils sont tout seul

  5. A Shifting of the Clouds

    the woods behind the house extends a sustained but curious sense of authority as if their push against the sky was preordained which is not true/ but rather/ we are all creatures of evolution/ we were not always this/ but arrived walking out of oceans (heroically) long since disappeared/ more

  6. Tim Barrus: Jonah’s Mountain

    I am amused and sustained by the idea that the end of homo sapiens’ domination of the planet will be sooner than anyone suspected. The end is irreversible now. It is too late. Many scientists know. They give voice to this reality in private. What good would blowing whistles do.…

  7. Tim Barrus: Boneyard

    Video: Living in Appalachia is a struggle between romance and reality. The magical and the mystical. The musical and the misbehaved. The past is seen through filters of family, bullshit, a fraudulent ancestry, and a broken slavery of brittle graves. The past is always as toxic as a civil war.…