Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with greed

  1. What you Came To See

    “So, then what is democracy, anyway.” I have no idea. I have never lived in one. I’m fucking stupid. Our version of Democracy is robbing the rich to pay the rich so the rich can in return claim Capital Gains administrated by lawyers – invested in the patriatchal Hierarchy of

  2. Tim Barrus New York Times

    In order for greed to thrive, there has to be some kind of a culture, or the approximation of one, for greed to thrive in. To pretend capitalism is the breeding ground of morality, is to pretend that a television personality is Santa Claus who goes from house to house,

  3. My Response To The Readers Challenging Me At The New York Times

     Readers pose the question: Where does one begin. It transcends democracy. I live out of one bag. A camera bag (I am a photographer who also works with adolescent boys with HIV). I teach the boys about memory which is what photography is. The teaching is neurologically based. How memory

  4. the tyranny of convention

    the marketplace is the tyranny of convention many many many of the artists i know and i know them in their guts a few in their bowels are creating the same fucking images they created years ago or the same fucking poetry they created years ago because feeding the voraciousness…

  5. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    http://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/05/opinion/state-of-the-union-trump.html?comments#permid=30490843 We have cut off our own balls and have presented them steaming and kneeling before our master on our knees and on our knees. You cannot make government yourself. You cannot remake it yourself. Not when absolute power is in your face. I have suggested to people that a