Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with family

  1. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I live at the top of a mountain in the Blue Ridge. I ride a dirt bike. Street bikers think I’m nuts. But who needs a helmet anyway. I am thinking America in my hair. When I ride into a city, someone tries to steal my bike. I have caught

  2. Autism Spectrum We Do Not Know That Much About the Brain Although We Pretend We Do. Rubbish.

    What was it like when you were a kid. They all go there. Sooner or later. I was a straight A student who supported his family. At thirteen. At fourteen I knew I would shoot myself. I did.

  3. My Appalachia

    cautionary bones/ we could climb the tree to get through your bedroom window/ even winter’s scalpel cold, and the fireplace was burning oak, and that warm scent would hibernate under your sheets and quilts like caves where your tongue inside my mouth was not unlike walking through the fields with

  4. Tim Barrus in the New York Times

    I work with boys at-risk who have HIV. People do not understand at-risk means a spectrum. Suicide is at the top of the spectrum. Boys and guns. The gun is an insurance policy if things get any worse than they already are. Often, they’ll hide the gun in their stuff

  5. childhood is a dog and pony show

    i no longer listen to them much beyond what they do inside their skins i do not seek answers there are none that work the whole dog and pony show we call childhood are answers that are not answers they are pre- programmed stereotypes in pink times ten and in

  6. steps worn in autumn’s light

    steps laid out flat by leaves of oaks and too many children up and down commissioned with troubles from beyond the horrors of their families who says families are sacred families must be watched by watchmen ready to snatch the damaged from the damaged if i am carried by rags

  7. All Those Years & We Never Knew Him

    i had suspected he had been seeing other women for some time but i had no evidence of it it was just a feeling turns out i was right it was awkward and confusing we did not know where we fit in anymore maybe he loved her and not us…

  8. Identity: Are We What We Do

    Is the whore hitchhiking to go somewhere or is there an assumption a whore is a whore is a whore. Is there anyone who doesn’t think this boy with his thumb out is not a whore. Or does my merely suggesting it color what you think you see. There but

  9. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/27/us/politics/shutdown-congress-trump-wall.html?comments#permid=30359805 I cannot shut my family down. Families just don’t work that way. And yet we begin again every day. I’m in bed smoking medical marijuana that we grow. Or I cannot stand. I am no good on the floor of the house of Usher. Breakfast is being cooked. I…