Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with culture

  1. Comment Moderation is Uncivil

    Censorship as an apex predator. The ideation of ideas. We are only allowed to think if exposed to an official archive. Google’s search engine and all those little boxes popping up to pull you into the rabbit hole. The New York Times is not social media. The New York Times

  2. And Give To Dust What Belongs To Dust

    That makes calamity calamity. Between heaven and the knives. The indifferent children, disappointed they do not know disappointed. They do not know disappointment. They are the disappointed. If I had it all to do over again, where would I even start. I would beg to start as stillborn. Throw the…


    Pride 101. “I knew, deep in my bones, that I was among my people.” I am glad you felt this. You should feel this. Because you can. Many of us who participated in marches from the past, never felt we were with our people because there were no people. What

  4. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Trump Supporters and the Lizard Brain Homo Sapiens usually have an ideological  safety net called family. Most verterbrate species hand down the ideas of what is “reality” as law via generations from the past. There is no human history where patriarchy was not ascendent. The pregnant female who left the


    His finger has pushed itself into our bowels as a symbol of contempt. His contempt for us is the self-hate of our entire culture.

  6. Going Rogue

    THEANTIFASTORIES every movement needs its heros/ every story in the shelf life of stories can become a legend/ even greece had its gods and sex and there is no god who is without guilt, treason, infidelity, murder, dystopia, and the apocalypse/ conflict, irony, rebellion, war, love, illicit love, a fetish,…


    TIM BARRUS: NEW YORK TIMES We have seen the cliff, and we have jumped. There are no returns on this purchase. To wit: the Democrats. At least sometimes they hold hands after they jump. But the result is always the same. America is just another cultural corpse. Athens become one.

  8. These End of Days

    Farhad Manjoo at the New York Times wants you to be hopeful. Even when I do not agree with Farhad, I always admire his ability to write and make his thought-provoking points. The New York Times is refusing to publish anything from this piece in comments because I have broken

  9. My Response To The Readers Challenging Me At The New York Times

     Readers pose the question: Where does one begin. It transcends democracy. I live out of one bag. A camera bag (I am a photographer who also works with adolescent boys with HIV). I teach the boys about memory which is what photography is. The teaching is neurologically based. How memory


    adding context to the trade-off where the real plays off again, the unreal unreal/ you decide/ my job is not to decide for you/ i could, but that renders the photographs more mundane than i can tolerate/ especially when the mundane among you, the ordinary, who have buried any creativity…

  11. America is Toast: Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Americans are not living through a social crisis. America is dying – not living – through the demystification that has always been smokescreen for what America is actually all about, and always has been. A violent, unequal, class system that denies class even exists. The only evidence that suggests class…

  12. Tim Barrus: New York Times: Jumping Off the Cliff

    Nicholas Kristoff at the New York Times is speaking about who and what American culture has left behind. I don’t think he sees much hope. If any. But he provides examples of hopefulness on the part of released prisoners. Why. Because he’s writing for an editor. I have written for

  13. Tim Barrus: New York Times: Get Real

    Michelle Goldberg at the New York Times tells us to hit the streets. Nine million Americans live in the streets. Exactly how is it that they’re supposed to hit them. The New York Times people are smart and they have good intentions. But they live in a well-funded bubble, and

  14. Sex Wounded Tumblr But Tumble Will Survive

    I have always loved working on Tumblr. So, when what has been going on at Tumblr hit the front page of the New York Times, I felt compelled to respond. Sans peur et sans reproche. A lot of my work goes up on Tumblr, and I still love it. I


    je suis tombé dedans sans bruit/ pas même le vent/ c’était tellement instantané/ c’était comme si on me cherchait dehors/ je ne le recherchais pas/ une autre personne me suffisait toujours/ plus qu’assez/ beaucoup plus qu’assez/ c’était ma curiosité d’être dans un trio qui était une violation de plus de

  16. Loving Boys At-Risk: Just Before the Cure

    I am acutely aware of the fact that no one in a million years would dare to publish this. That does not mean I do not need to write it. I needed to write it. Yet I can see where it fits tightly into JUST BEFORE THE CURE which is

  17. CinemathequeFilms: Les Russes à Paris

    CinemathequeFilms did not disintegrate like a melted marsh mellow grimace of 16mm film burned at the alter of my untimely demise. We never did get that license. We just kept making videos. We could pick and choose who saw them. Usually, only people who had cheered them on in France.…

  18. the tyranny of convention

    the marketplace is the tyranny of convention many many many of the artists i know and i know them in their guts a few in their bowels are creating the same fucking images they created years ago or the same fucking poetry they created years ago because feeding the voraciousness…

  19. I opened My Eyes

    I opened my eyes. I was alone in Los Angeles. It had to be the drugs. The last thing I could recall was that we were all nodding out into the dope zone which is where we lived mainly. As I slid through that trembling of consciousness into unconsciousness, I