Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with childhood

  1. i am pulling away from him with the camera

    i am pulling away from him with the camera i remember pulling away from him with the camera/ i am actually pulling the camera back from the emptiness of his life/ he is a survivor, so fucking what/ we have made surviving into a heroic thing when, in fact, it’s

  2. in a snow globe/

    you cannot compare my life or the life i have lived and cherry pick it apart, and then stand back, and pretend you have accomplished anything/ i know exactly how bizarre it sounds to people i call the normals/ i am not sure anyone is truly normal, but i do…

  3. Memory’s Machine

    the two of them could be silent as a blackboard/ i no longer know what it means to simply be/ their history is one of burning bones and whipped and a cigarette of fiery scars you cannot see/ who could do that to a child stop asking me that question

  4. childhood is a dog and pony show

    i no longer listen to them much beyond what they do inside their skins i do not seek answers there are none that work the whole dog and pony show we call childhood are answers that are not answers they are pre- programmed stereotypes in pink times ten and in

  5. New York Times: On Queer Childhood

    I mentor boys at-risk for HIV. Many of them do sex work. They don’t carry the baggage of typical adolescents. Their baggage is a lot more breath-taking. People see delinquency, the juvenile justice system, and detention. None of which work. That people do not understand homelessness, hunger, and hate, is

  6. To Burn the Sky

    dusk was difficult to burn the sky we thieves together, and the lovers and the friends they all too often cum slowly such moments like distant moons and stuff and lawns can fade in suicide’s revenge so complicit with the living and their first violent year of holding you naked

  7. But For This

    but for this, when you find out life iswhat it is whatever it is no one reallyknows what the fuck it is you stumbleon the reality that but for this it’s alion’s cage, a bitter city of poets onthe gallows and fingernails you arealways biting your fingernails thechildren are hiding