Tim Barrus Blog
Posts tagged with books
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Take notes. This article is frenetic. That is not a criticism. Publishing is frenetic. The Leapfrogging Around Effect, from this and that, trading office space, is reflecting a publishing story where publishing insiders hop and skip around publication to publication. Job to job. Money is important, but it’s rude so…
The New York Times Is Stupid
If I see one more list from these people, I’m going to stick my finger in my mouth, and gag myself.
Flying Books
Tim Barrus and Lars Eighner
I totally underestimated Lars Eighner’s seriously disturbed hatred of me following me every day for literally a decade. He published my address. I had it shut down and deleted. I never saw his viability as a writer and I rejected his work he threw at Drummer and it was a…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
I live at the top of a mountain in the Blue Ridge. I ride a dirt bike. Street bikers think I’m nuts. But who needs a helmet anyway. I am thinking America in my hair. When I ride into a city, someone tries to steal my bike. I have caught…
Make Sure To Park Close To The Door
High school boys stare. They do not know about multiples. They like the bike. They are not sleeping in a sleeping bag on the ground tonight. Andrew was a stripper. The good ones are dancers, too. Lap dance. I came in my pants. We hung out with whores. They sold…
Just Fuck Me
Where is Alamogordo anyway. Why. Just curious. Who lives there. The Space Agency. Who is the Space Agency. The Sex Police. The Spage Agency is the Sex Police. Yes. But why. No one knows. I told them I did not know anything about the foot. And I was right all…
The best book I have read this year is The Hidden Life of Trees. The seas and the breeze. It’s not about the tease. Let us look at publishing. My annoying whine with publishing is that it doesn’t tell me anything I do not already know. It’s safe. And then…
Fucking Dragons
So it begins again. A pack of wolves numbering in the thousands, went on a rampage in Venice Beach. Coyotes would attack a car. The wolves had eaten all the dogs. The big cats ate the little cats. Mountain lions ate themselves. Migration was from here to there. Entire populations.…
Life Forms From a Martian Sea in Seas
The Lurid Book Scene of the fifties and sixties both had to do with soft porn and titillation. Lurid books earned publishers a ton of money in the fifties and the sixties. Dirty, filthy books read by dirty, filthy Homo sapiens. It’s all breeding behavior. Just do whatever the fucking…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Publishing is unforgiving. There are writers who follow the rules. Never, ever coloring outside the prescribed places you can go. Especially rules that challenge the publishing status quo’s take on reality. To call it reality, everyone must agree, even the other writers who will delight in taking you apart, another…
Readers in South America
Americans would not recognize a South American adolescent as a reader. We cling to our precious stereotypes. Even if those stereotypes have no relationhip to the real world. Lately, I have been stunned to discover South American readers who have have found my books. And they read them. Many speak…
IT’S THE SCANDAL THAT IS THE SCANDAL Emmanuel Carrère has set the literary world on fire again. His new book, YOGA, is being sold by its French publisher as nonfiction. The horse is dead. But it gets kicked anyway. In these kinds of economic discombobutations, I make it a habit…
To be that naked in front of the world leaves you more vulnerable than you ever were before. Doing it every day, day in and day out, is exhausting. I do not know why other people write. I can only know why I write. It is not a choice. To…
What Cure
The Smash Street Boys and I wrote a book called JUST BEFORE THE CURE. We put the thing on Medium. One person read it. Sex, violence, and post-apocalyptic resistance were the project’s main themes. My original idea was that it could raise the awareness of the adolescent boys themselves as…