Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with art

  1. steps worn in autumn’s light

    steps laid out flat by leaves of oaks and too many children up and down commissioned with troubles from beyond the horrors of their families who says families are sacred families must be watched by watchmen ready to snatch the damaged from the damaged if i am carried by rags

  2. Whose Grip Undid the Screws

    i fuck around a lot with the idea of identity, it’s like pissing on a sacred cow while the village sleeps and dreams of simple things/ grey as pain, the rules upon which reality itself is guarded by the armies of the roots whose consummate butchery has wrenched the doors


    the camera sees through you because the camera does not take photographs by itself it needs you it sees through you it uses you it needs you to pick it up it is only through you that the camera has any meaning or relevance at all it is through your…

  4. writ large

    writ large scorched the you at every level your fingers on my tit tracing my hardly private sorrows i make a mockery of the habits of the sun lean and watch i am taking photographic evidence and writing poetry that takes sides that takes sides https://medium.com/@timotheebarrus

  5. dragged into the privacy of his smallness

    mixed messages deep within the hole the lot of us live in where our real selves are like piano keys that get played inventing and reinventing our ragged perches up here in the branches with the crows https://timbarrus.tumblr.com

  6. Sail On

    life has this habit of doing what it has done before round and round but beware there will be detours sail on

  7. Your Hands And Your Heart

    i stole your insufferable wings/ dragging your heart through the ashes of my stars/ your hospital rooms on an empty china plate/ i would write your life, but plastic roses will not do/

  8. All The People You Are Bowing To

    this tongue in blue scraped along the landscape of the rougher moons/ memories of the wolves who have fed from here/ sleeping naked in the autumn leaves, you always did scare the fuck out of them/ https://timbarrus.tumblr.com

  9. An Assumed Name

    i never used my real name doing sex work, it wasn’t difficult becoming him, a withdrawal from reality and sleep among the tricks and the travelers who are your fathers and your brothers and your husbands and your sons, your friends and the people you work with and the people

  10. Naked On the Internet

    i always saw you as a prisoner in the striped pajamas/ more uniform than pajamas/ my own skin was no camouflage nudity my cock was always hard/ your blue was sheer obfuscation, not melancholy/ it had you by the throat/ slightly gaping, we both fucked the same sailors on the…

  11. When They Realize

    when they realize that life is a fight for it/ all of life is a fight for all of it/ or whatever rush of it they can get a hold of and grab/ all you need are fists/ when they realize that i have survived most of what they continue

  12. Having Lived With You

    having lived with you/ for so many years, i kinda knew what it was you wanted/ what it was you liked/ in that orchestration of a silent language and other things tongues are for/ the darker planets of your delicious bed/ how sharply in it, your cistern just beyond those

  13. You Wanted To Eat My Hole

    you wanted to eat my hole turning tricks on the street in the rain usually meant someone sucking cock usually in the backseat of a car the one that drove twenty times around the block and it was too cold for your tongue in my shit hole so i told

  14. Because It Has Drawn Blood

    because it has drawn blood i let you play because it has drawn blood you pushed the catheter in because it has drawn blood for a moment that core because it has drawn blood fed on rockweed seas because it has drawn blood and silences all memories of the dead

  15. Your Parents Were Asleep In The Downstairs Bedroom

    your parents          were asleep/ in the downstairs bedroom we were                          upstairs through lucidity and the night of        thorns/ mayhem unconstrained the milkman stairs groaning but never      taking sides/ your midnight cock like oceans deep in the tearing evidence of blood diffused by        carnage/ your parents downstairs/ unafraid https://timbarrus.tumblr.com

  16. I Was Focused on Autumn’s Cumming

    i was focused on autumn’s cumming when that time of death and frost ejaculated in my mouth autumn itself was arrogant with the bitter days riding ponies through the shadows of woods fallen away and split with slashes of red freezing on my many hungry tongues and traveling road trips

  17. Someplace Else

    all as frantic tongues by night less the depth of grief devours us like the past is just another dragon’s wrath and the parchment to write it on https://timbarrus.tumblr.com

  18. The Sky Sags Over

    all the healing youhave ever donefallen into the ruinsof a frailty of blueveins running palegloom times tenthrough you suckingcock careworn worthstealing all yourfaults rememberingsilence confined inyour choking on theshipwreck of his cum https://timbarrus.tumblr.com

  19. What Cure

    The Smash Street Boys and I wrote a book called JUST BEFORE THE CURE. We put the thing on Medium. One person read it. Sex, violence, and post-apocalyptic resistance were the project’s main themes. My original idea was that it could raise the awareness of the adolescent boys themselves as…

  20. how you fed me

    you kept slipping quietly away while at the same time you keep saying more i hear you recklessly deserted me like rearranging furniture for better or for worse our actual experiences resisting there, too have their own price tags including your deep down gut secrets and I know them all

  21. crystal

    rimming shit hole riding ponies idiosyncratic fixations shipwreck washed up to sands upon the fetish shore it’s a pony and he loves you cultural dust keeps flashing whispers that life is a neon miracle and all this being down is indulgence go buy a new car go buy designer underpants…

  22. what more can they take away

    now it made sense that no one would touch you everyone was afraid I was afraid not afraid i would catch it because i already had it but because your skin might disintegrate and i would have to lick you from my fingers as if you were a birthday cake

  23. what more can they take away

    when I was naked and riding tigers arrogantly around your house silent and unhurried nightbound roads I took you to the carnival you were withholding even then unbind my tongue thin curtains candle wax and worn a startling receptivity to omens your opalescent asshole reconstructed crimes among the glances words

  24. time in appalachia

    time in appalachia defies gravity in the aftermath of silence/ you, mister night watchman/ the gulley is filled with old refrigerators/ even your lips were cold/ appalachia will blind you, boy/ the blue ridge lightning bugs are bone and yellow/ just like your forever eyes when your wings are gone/

  25. a semblance of sorrowing

    a semblance of sorrowing was the cage you built to keep us enclosed from the seasons and the snow/ i’m in the backseat of the jeep with the empty potato chip bags on the floor and the cookie crumbs/ you drove all night/ in the morning there was fog, and