Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with art-by-tim-barrus

  1. When They Realize

    when they realize that life is a fight for it/ all of life is a fight for all of it/ or whatever rush of it they can get a hold of and grab/ all you need are fists/ when they realize that i have survived most of what they continue

  2. Having Lived With You

    having lived with you/ for so many years, i kinda knew what it was you wanted/ what it was you liked/ in that orchestration of a silent language and other things tongues are for/ the darker planets of your delicious bed/ how sharply in it, your cistern just beyond those

  3. You Wanted To Eat My Hole

    you wanted to eat my hole turning tricks on the street in the rain usually meant someone sucking cock usually in the backseat of a car the one that drove twenty times around the block and it was too cold for your tongue in my shit hole so i told

  4. Running From the Past

    stop pushing me my running from the past is mine your insistence that i not run from the past is abuse you are an abuser who relishes seeing people in pain and then you write about them and you spit in their mouths i don’t give a flying fuck if…

  5. Because It Has Drawn Blood

    because it has drawn blood i let you play because it has drawn blood you pushed the catheter in because it has drawn blood for a moment that core because it has drawn blood fed on rockweed seas because it has drawn blood and silences all memories of the dead

  6. Your Parents Were Asleep In The Downstairs Bedroom

    your parents          were asleep/ in the downstairs bedroom we were                          upstairs through lucidity and the night of        thorns/ mayhem unconstrained the milkman stairs groaning but never      taking sides/ your midnight cock like oceans deep in the tearing evidence of blood diffused by        carnage/ your parents downstairs/ unafraid https://timbarrus.tumblr.com

  7. your pain what pain your pain

    he denied he was in pain i ignored the fuck out of him i did eat his ass out though his life was an animal of stealth but i could always smell his desire long before he arrived 

  8. U Know What I Mean U Know What I Mean

    you burned holes where my eyes had been the nagual doesn’t have to be the desert we had it in our hands not knowing anyone could fall down that vortex and the gravity of the thing could easily crush diamonds into the sound of a piano i was the guy