Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with america

  1. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Tim Barrus, New York Times I am a communist. Every single book of the dozen I’ve published, has been banned. Here, in Appalachia, I am an evil radical. I came home one night to find all of my pets hung by the neck with wire, and hanging from the front

  2. Tim Barrus, the New York Times

    DC was not my riot. We joined Antifa after a close friend and I were chased down by what appeared to be soldiers who were shooting at us. Portland was a war zone. I cannot say that they were soldiers, they had the drag, and guns. We didn’t stay long

  3. GoingRogue: SexWork: BoyWhores

    GoingRogue. We’ve been traveling on my bike town-to-town, and we’ve been busy as all hell. I take Andrew with me because he was once a major whore. He raked it in. But drug dealing is more money. Like I care. As if.  Andrew projects the tone of authenticity. He can

  4. Tim Barrus New York Times

    I would join the violence in the streets. America has failed. Call out the cops. America has still failed. Call out the military. America has still failed. Call out Homeland Security. America has still failed. Call out Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. America has still failed. Call out ICE. Call out

  5. GoBack2FuckingHellIAmAlreadyThere

    Stick it in my mouth and cum. Then, pay me. My next door neighbor’s house lets winter seep into it like the grey February rain drains through the roof. Go back to where you came from. Hate itself is telling us about hatred in Trump’s America. I hate America. I