Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with Tim-Barrus-art

  1. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    I Should Begin With Synopsis. But No. We know this: America seems to want our death. I have always lived with that, and it is not dissimilar to living with nuclear inevitability. I am autistic. A high functioning autistic. I will not tolerate any Homo sapiens with their various and

  2. Tim Barrus: Chaos Has Come Again

    As proof of lonely drifting, a swallowing of glass. But dawn and time will kill us all because is dawn is time and we are in it.

  3. Tim Barrus: NYT

    It never just goes boom. It. Drips. Away. – Tim Barrus

  4. Tim Barrus: Likker Head Speed Freak Laser Beams From Mars and Walmart

    The land itself is tough. And often ugly. Far and away. Fish or cut bait. Far and away, it’s finger fucking cold. Far and away the widows were the witches, most of whom were only waiting, and some would walk around in the woods at night like crows.

  5. Tim Barrus Photography

  6. Gutted In Beds of Ice

    the aproned butchers/ swung their clevers down/ on fresh cold joints/ slapping the thick chops/ and tossing them roughly/ tied/ to the boot delivery boys/ smelling of earth and morning/ wide bellied buttfuck/ clotted damply of black loam/ wrenched from gardens the smell/ of gardens a thunder on the rails/…

  7. Naked On the Internet

    i always saw you as a prisoner in the striped pajamas/ more uniform than pajamas/ my own skin was no camouflage nudity my cock was always hard/ your blue was sheer obfuscation, not melancholy/ it had you by the throat/ slightly gaping, we both fucked the same sailors on the…