Tim Barrus Blog
Posts tagged with New-York-Times
2B Held
I loathe being touched. By anyone. I hate it when they hug me. I freeze. It is a deep flaw within me. I have been battered around enough to see intimacy as a real threat. I have tried to shake it. It will not be undone. They turn toward one…
Tim Barrus: New York Times: Explaining Death
Explaining the reality of death to a child also means explaining disease. The subjects of stigma and confidentiality are relevant. AIDS is not over. That people still die is rarely in the news. Even doctors still list other direct causes of death which can tend to make counting numbers bogus.…
Tim Barrus: New York Times: Boys Raped
Some kids have never had real parents. They have always parented themselves. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/16/style/snowplow-parenting-scandal.html?comments#permid=31096013 College admission? I work with young adolescent boys with HIV. In rural Appalachia. Reading about parenting is like reading about Mars. Every boy has been raped. You think not. Overly dramatic. Yet rape is a way of…
Homelessness Is Hell: Barrus: NYT
A Response to David Brooks in the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/25/opinion/america-nationalism-diversity-trump.html?comments#permid=29166007 Here’s a question. Is it okay to unequivocally hate America with every molecule of the self. I doubt it. Our idea of what freedom is does not allow the kind of dissent that doesn’t, and never will, fit into…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
America is over. Done. Discredited. Immoral. Rotten to the core. Ugly. Irreparable. Threatening. Tragic. Useless. Forlorn. Vain. A menace to the planet. Ruled by hate and racism. Sinister. Toxic. Bleak. Oppressive. Funereal. But not terminal. It is already dead. Americans are more than willing (they embrace it) to tolerate the…
Lake Superior Is Now Toxic With Poison
Tim Barrus: The New York Times There is no global warming because Dear Leader said so, and we all know Dear Leader never, lies. We have ruined our environment, and we are continuing to ruin our environment because the top one percent never have enough. Lake Superior. Lost. We allow…