Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with Art

  1. His Pajamas

    Photography: Tim Barrus

  2. Gutted In Beds of Ice

    the aproned butchers/ swung their clevers down/ on fresh cold joints/ slapping the thick chops/ and tossing them roughly/ tied/ to the boot delivery boys/ smelling of earth and morning/ wide bellied buttfuck/ clotted damply of black loam/ wrenched from gardens the smell/ of gardens a thunder on the rails/…

  3. Spills Into Cups

    their dancing spills into cups incognito but i know who the fuck you are/ your bones spread out like demons deep into the devil night/ and there it is, falls down, the challenge is to not allow the world to make you disappear, it will anyway, we are just the

  4. But For This

  5. From Day One

    from day one he has flown his flag/ it is usually a flag resembling surrender which is never surrender it is more like another declaration of war/ with his orders of this blood-soaked field, the skeletons have never needed god or jerusalem or everything to become clear in a great

  6. The Family Ate the Family Dog

    the family ate the family dog appalachia is unconditional surrender replacement parts and arguments poverty and the truck shop passing through the bedroom window swallowed by the cardboard that has replaced what glass is left school bus in the morning frost of growling smoke pickled meats and vomit, dark corridors,

  7. A Safe Place to Learn Almost Seems Like MoreThan We Know How To Do

    rock it like a candle and the blowing out from screams covered as most screams are by dust Rock it like a candle and the blowing out the earth in seconds and you can watch them all naked as a cat knows sleep rock it like a candle and the…

  8. Under Those Dark Barren Stars of Straw

    under those dark barren stars of straw which one of you is ever really alone you are never alone or stand in apprehension living less than the dead with their machines whose tongues amid the slim partitions through open windows your famished sheets still feast upon and those light asswipe…

  9. Nothing’s Wrong on Mars