Relationships Are WhatTheFuck Ever
Relationships RHard/
IWrite poetry
relationships have 2
do with love whateverTheFuckLoveIs/
the only way
i can ask these kids
for anything whatsoever is
just to simply live it
stop explaining it/
do not push
against or with
any river’s flow
it’s not about me
it’s just not/
i am not asking you 2 believe
Y should it matter to me what an audience
what-audience wants2Believe
U gottaB RightThereWith
bc/ they’re watching always watching
they will attempt 2 seduce U
seduction is what they know/
it’s how they interact
fucking yawn i gottaTellYa
seduction doesn’t work with me
because that was my game
and i know all the
you’ll have 2 find another way
Y R U worth my time go ahead
put it in my face
U R welcome to get
on the ride, 2 tilt the tilt/ heroin at
the top
of the ferris wheel,
U decide
or the deserts of distraction/