Pinterest Shuts Down My Physics Blog No Explanation From the Shitheads
Tell someone you know that Homo sapiens are nothing more than a momentary warp in the fabric of space-time far beyond the local stars in the Coma Cluster, and see if they believe a word of it. They will nod a little at the mention of the Coma Cluster as if they, yes, know what it is, it’s a disease of Nursing Homes where sleep is a deep plunge into the warmth dark matter calls a cosmic calculation. We now know that dark matter exists within the context of undiscovered particles reacting and interacting with gravity. Stand back and take a look look at all of this from a distance. In that distance, you will find the Cosmic Skeletons physicists hang their hats on. People in science are excited by what the possibilities are going to be. I see these same people staring off into sunsets that have yet to happen.