No Cock No Cure No Compatibility

Tim Barrus in the New York Times

I wish I could, but I am unable to share in the idea of idealism. There is no real evidence – only the anecdotal – to indicate we as a culture will not fail. We have already failed. We failed to elect a real leader; we are paying the price for it. Leadership is not the ability to appear on a television platform employing lie and after lie and after lie.

Anthony Fauci does not appear to enable the onslaught of rhetoric disguised as public policy, but that is exactly what he is doing. This is not a right or left assessment. By being at the back of Trump, Fauci has Trump’s back. The analogy is as tragic as it is relevant. We listen to the bone spurs that come out of Trump’s mouth, and then we listen to Fauci politely attempt to put the lies into a different perspective, but the end result is to facilitate a reality television show that pretends Trump is a president who can make everyone rich tomorrow – the real American dream.

The American dream has been tested and tested and tested. And it has failed at every zig zag less than democratic swollen dream balloon that is so easily popped with a hat pin. We can’t even pretend to address our complicit involvement in global warming let alone a pandemic. Where is the reality show that portrays a society coping with a permanent cycle of corona disease like the flu and the common cold, but punched up on steroids. America hates to confront the facts that Fauci tries to dress up with play nice so you can nuance Trump. No one can nuance Trump. No one.