Good Ideas Hit a Brick Wall
SPED? Are you kidding me. Look around. At what we have now. It’s criminal. We are talking inclusion here. The scientists need to study a bit of history. At one point, we all thought inclusion would work.
It didn’t work because no system wants to look at the symptomatic rot insidiously at the center of who we are.
Not what, they are. We know who they are. These are the kids we wanted to include. But institutions systematically reject the idea of inclusion and change, and who exactly is going to pay for it..
There are great ideas. I applaud them all. But SPED?
Community college kids OK. But we have no idea what we are doing in SPED. We are not doing research.
What are they going to do when Johnny Aspergers melts down when he’s under pressure. If you are really going to do this, let’s take at least some of the risk off the table. Give your physicists some training as to what adolescence really is. Sorry, but what I see is a lot of grunt work. The stuff the physicist does not want to do.
Because his time is so valuable and it is. Johnny, could you empty the trash, and feed the rats. Johnny will fail because Johnny has failed at almost everything, we just cover it up. The data is clear. The observer affects the observed. There are ways to draw the right kids in, and I seriously doubt, it will be SPED.
Who are we there for. It’s not the rats. We are there for the research or go home.