Ginger’s Pasture

when old ned died, we had to drag

the horse’s body with a tractor to

a pit i had spent a day digging/ i

had loved that horse, and could not

shake the feeling that we were


him by dragging his dead weight

with a rope tied around his neck/ the

blue ridge is a place where death is a dime a dozen/ it is mainly buried but

it can find you, too, in the middle of

the vast dead and probing middle of the night/

you can fight death/ your neighbors will say look there at that old fool fighting death why would he do that/ i do not know, in fact, i have no wisdom to offer and less answers to the issues that plague a life than i did as a young man when i knew everything/

all i know is that pieces of me were buried, too, in that pasture in the blue ridge where ned had lived/