Federal Officers From Ice and the DEA Have Infiltrated Protest Groups
Protest groups organizing demonstrations across the country have been infiltrated by officers of the Feds whose experince includes infiltrating organized drug cartels in South and Central America. Protest groups are a piece of cake. To the Feds, they’re all the same.
They get your name. They get where you live. They get the names of your children, and where they go to school. They get your medical records. They get what they want. Ever heard of bump. What they get is based on the software app that sucks up data that passes by or touches anyone’s phone. You can get Bump and all it’s little sisters on the App Store. The government’s version is a bit more sophisticated, and it works quite well in South and Central America. Everything you have on file gets downloaded straight to the Feds. It’s not even difficult. They take photos, videos, strip searches, and they throw you into a vehicle that drops you off in the basement of the Federal Building where you are detained until they can develop as comprehensive (which is very comprehensive) a picture of who you are, what you believe in, how much money you make, citizenship, and every website you have ever clicked on to.
This is called surveillance of American citizens. It would only be semilegal. That would be all the permission they need. Do you think ICE is restrained by the law. Do you think the DEA cares about the rules. Please.
Strange as it might sound, one of the things they care about a lot are fireworks.
I live in the South, and I do not know anyone who would sell fireworks or anyone who would by them.
In the state I live in, the one big regulation curtailing the sale of fireworks is that the buyer has to be sixteen years of age.
Fireworks aimed at soldiers has the power to match anything the authorities can throw at a demonstration. I don’t know where any of this shit comes from or who is using what.
But the Feds are finding out.
They’re not interested in a Cop Facebook Hate Group because they are one. Ice has already been dox’s. This is not news.
Bump can work both ways.
Anyone who brings a smart phone to a demonstration is nuts.
I am guessing: Fountains (the kind with gunpowder, not water), dipped sticks, illuminating devices, noisemakers like poppers and string poppers, snappers, pistol caps. All of these are legal.
Roman candles, aerial wanamakers, rockets, cherry bombs, M80s are all less legal. Depends on what state you are in and not the one hopped up with adrenalin in the middle of a riot.
When the cops throw teargas, it almost impossible to see. But to a lesser degree, this means cops, too. Smoke is in the air. Cops like to see who they are going to beat senseless next. They like to see what is coming at them. Smoke of any form makes visibility tenuous.
This is when the fireworks go off. They are louder than the flashbang grenades the Feds use.
I am not recommending anything. I know nothing.
I am only here to show you how it works. The cops want to know how it works, too.
They know where you live. They are going to know you will soon be in Chicago before you leave your driveway. They’ll be there when you arrive.
Burner phones are getting hacked by the DEA. The smart phone has had its time at the war zone. Today, they render you a sitting duck.
Wearable watches can be encrypted, but the Feds are on those, too. Dogs to a bone. The hacking of devices is coming from Mausad, and goes straight to the NSA. You couldn’t pay me to wear a wearable that lights you up more brightly than a snapper at a party popper.
Dude, your fireworks is what they want. To prove they have to do what they are doing. It’s escalated. So will they.
All demonstration leaders should be reading McGeorge Bundy: Reducing Nuclear Danger: The Road Away from the Brink.
It’s okay to be at the brink, as long as you can recognize where you are, what it means, how they are going to fight back, and how many casualties are you willing to accept.
As far as social media spin goes, we are at the MOMS AGAINST THE NAZI STATE phaze. What comes next will be Chicago.
Chicago 1968 was an underground weather typhoon.
You know where Chicago is.