I have been shooting film with a child’s plastic toy camera. I have to get away from all the This Is What People Want rhetoric. The perfect photograph does not exist. Perfect photographs do not possess a story. Often, the photograph is the story. I get on my dirt bike and just go away. There is no plan. I bought the plastic camera at a yard sale for a dollar. You get what you get. Monsters and ghosts in the background. A cat walks by slowly. There are no settings. One size fits all. The photographs are probably darker than most people want to look at. That darkness is not an accident. They want their photographs to reflect the frigid bourgeoisie as the social caste that came to own the means of production during modern industrialization and whose societal concerns are the value of property and the preservation of capital to ensure the perpetuation of their economic supremacy in society. In other words – if given an opportunity, they will kick you in the teeth, bitches.