CDC’s plan to confront HIV/AIDS is: Make More Stick Figures
I call these stupid stick figures, stupid stick figures.
This graphic is produced by the CDC.
The poster is aimed at people who are statistically vulnerable to a flu epidemic.
Erase flu.
Replace the word flu with the term HIV/AIDS.
What we need are more stick figures and more stick figures and more stick figures because we all know that stick figures reach even the hard to reach. And as we all know, the more artistic you make graphics, the more posters you tape to toilet walls behind doors that no one even glances at, the more effective you will be in pursuit of a cure. Cure and Stupid Stick Figures on an obscure poster will converge into a complete failure that will call more millions of more stupid stick figures that look like they are from the planet Stupid.
Stick figures will cause us all to value public health. We will all change our sinful behaviors.
Someone has to win the stupid stick figure art fair competition stupid stick figure of the year. Probably me. How many stick figures can we make in two minutes.
One would do.
Stick figures don’t have sex, don’t sell it (the stick figure has to pay you), they won’t cum in your mouth, even though you might receive CDC award after award for the brilliant beauty of a stick figure getting fucked in his stick figure ass straight up into the wet stick figure hole. Stick figures unite. You are now a community.
Designed to fight AIDS.
We’re in big fucking trouble.
The CDC doesn’t know AIDS from a bathtub.
They spend cash on graphic stick figures that are not real and do not speak, do not move, have no opinions as to anything, but they have stick figure lives, with stick figure children, living in a drug den shooters gallery. It’s hard to wash your needles in the dark. Stick figures get all the fun drugs, and they never overdose.
Doctor Doolittle, MD, argues that stick figures will especially reach adolescent boys.
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! They would wipe the shit off their butts with these evil stick figure posters, the ones that were all stacked up like one health campaign after another.
Have you had your colonoscopy. No, honey, and I never will.
How is it that the CDC employs 37 publicists acting as the missing link between the science of infectious disease and the quest to engage a public that couldn’t tell you if the CDC was a Ford150 or a scarecrow.
I live in Appalachia. There is no disease we do not get and that includes OpiatusKillYourselfBecauseWeHateYou. This is a tiny, tiny town, mainly White Trash but, It’s Not Their Fault. There is no hope here. Three people a day die here. In one day after the next after the next.
This is about revenge.
This is about racism.
Just like the rest of the American pig pit which is always conflicted. The human species does not merit an entire planet.
White Trash sits in their cars with three tires in the mud of the front yard and even Whiter Trash just loves Trump the same way they rim anyone’s ass that comes along the road.
They’re high as kites and they do not care who Trump sticks his WeenyWeeny mushroom head dick into a basket of snakes because they would do far, far, far more than this, and for a lot less. The Whitest Trash of all masturbate in class because this is what the Whitest Trash do and they do it repeatedly because that is all they know how to do, they drink Thunderbird on their desks, right from the bottle, and what the fuck – we now have another rant, rant, rant, thank you, Tim. Yer welcome.
I have taught in schools like this. I so wanted to run away and join the cadre of teachers who too, have taken walks from the lot of it to become hermits in Manhattan. You never see them because that is how all the hermits are. All hermits are gay.
Hermits at-risk.
I, too, am White Trash.
Dementia comes home to everyone. Yesterday, I was diagnosed as having glaucoma. This on top of You Name It. My bones keep dying in my body. My joints break all the time. Yet, around the edges I only see what I want to see. There was an economic crisis arriving on wings, and I so did not want to look at it. Just fuck me.
Health care is being dominated by the rich.
The CDC only is. In Appalachia, every fool gets fucked by something.
Melanoma Trump only was.
A has been.
A faded piece of plasticity. She has health insurance. That we pay for. Because that is what the rich do. They want a culture war because they only see a system to be exploited.
Does greed have no bounds.
That is why they are the rich people. And they complain and whine about it. They inherited it. And now they want to play and be waited on by elegant gentlemen as the rich play croquet and have their mint juleps out on the veranda.
No one gives a flying fuck. Health care for everyone but the White Trash who elected a white trash psychotic from Queens.
I want the kind of poster designed where when you look at it, yer cured. Bingo. That is IT. Cure posters whose blazing beauty helped design the horror of the modern age.
People will be buying these posters up and selling more and more of the same posters to Hot White Trash Trailer Parks on the Appalachian Fringes. No one here smokes that devil weed, and no one here makes the moon to shine like Jesus.
I have seen elderly women walking nude down the middle of the street to Dairy Queen. It’s not a joke when people you are compelled to love cast you from society.
Americans are lonely and depressed.
Because they have glaucoma, most Americans cannot see the posters at the limits of their peripheral stick figure vision.