Boycott New York Times Comments

I am a communist. The culture war is not over. Seriously. We DO need two countries. Let them HAVE the South. Let us be RID of them you know who they are. They want their own way of life. Let them have it. Then, we get to build a wall. Us and them. Get over it. We are not them. I am reaching out to a lot of people. We are looking at the possibility of organizing a boycott of your comments section. It would seem to be our moral duty. You refuse to publish poor people. We find that despicable. It is intolerant, and rips our voices out while NYT cuddles up to Yalie with a laptop. Your cherry-picking is beneath contempt. I don’t know where I fit in here. I agree that the cherry-picking has risen to levels way too high. But I’m not sure they CARE. Private, tasteful journalism for families. What does that MEAN anyway. Have you ever had lunch with an autistic communist with a laptop. We have to agree that all weapons get left at home.