Big Meat

Y R U a Communist 

I am a communist. Because I am a Communist. Wagging the tail of another dog. How many dogs can you unwag. The uncomfortable truth is that difficult and unpopular decisions are now unavoidable. Prohibition at this rate as a paradigm allowing public policy to be dictated eventually by a Supreme Court as to who owns what, will be tracked by ranching coalitions that are absolutely aware of the fact that it takes over 5,000 gallons of water to raise one pound of meat. There are always conservatives with corporate bottom lines in the future of the meat and slaughter industry. Unless we do that today — we end meat as acceptable because it flows right to carbon in the air. Hidden costs. Such as the system that allows meat packers anywhere near a piece of meat. What about the carbon put into the air. No one wants to fight McDonald’s. Our cultures cannot afford meat. Ranchers will arm themselves. They already have. The amount of money we spend on our addiction to meat in the supply food-chain includes a vast amount of cash obfuscated by hocus pocus. No one seems to own a slaughterhouse. Usually, just a holding Company. This is the inevitable place where most Americans put their craziness. No one knows how to measure hocus pocus, but it’s there. The Bank As Temple and the Temple’s Priests is not unlike trillions and trillions of dollars spent on meat as a highly leveraged institution. There is more money in this equation than the auto industry times ten. Homo sapiens are responsible for all of it. Land is never free. Put a pandemic around all of this cyclone fence as a quarantine the equivalent of forced incarceration, and you will have viral revisitation, and that will be the end of it because change is not something Homo sapiens do well. If at all. I so see famine. There will be no more grain to feed the cows. What the fuck. Raising alfalfa is water-intensive. So is Vegas. People squirm. The should squirm. Poverty itself was not invented in a casino’s pretty fountain.  “It doesnt come from the Colorado River.” Duh. Yes, it does. Yes, it does.