A Million of You to Pieces

following the ancestors of modern 

human beings into the distant past

not too distant

but distant enough/

raises the question

of what is meant by the word

homo erectus

the cousin of

homo tinydickitus/ 

humanH. sapiens is

human by definition/

always a liability/

whereas homo erecticians

are not licensed electricians

but what of the extinct members

of the human tribe

tribe being a verb/

who were clearly not

h. sapiens but were


very much like them/

does very much very much

very much count

there is no definitive answer

to this question

although human evolution can be said

try saying it without

moving your lips/

to involve all those species

like elephantatus

a species of fat politicians

more closely related to

h. sapiens than to fish

the adjective human is usually

applied only to deplorables

from new jersey///