Tim Barrus, New York Times
It seems like everyday, I am simply picking up the pieces of systems that no longer work. You could put capitalism in that existential group. I am a communist. It is always amusing to stand on the sidelines and watch capitalism twist in the wind even as it implodes. Then, we arrive at Who Gets To Decide What Is and What is not, of value. What value does Morality play. Ethics play. The recognition of the Other plays. What. Old tunes on old platforms like banking where you have never had a voice. How many of us visit and take the tour of the Federal Reserve. How many of us know what the Federal Reserve is. What is the value of inference. How is access spin and how much value does it have. How in the world is this not gambling. Dice, baby, dice. What is the value of population growth hitting a brick wall of No Economic Expansion. There is no center. Only physics. Our entire system is based on If It Grows, We Will Exploit It. Because we have to or the whole dog and pony shows collapses. Civilizations are mainly ruins, this is our legacy, the republican and the communal inherently in opposition. Usually, these would be the civilized men with guns. Without men with guns, there is no fixed exchange rate. Without men with guns, there is no economy to play with. Picking up the pieces does not imply that such fragments can be reassembled to show us what is true. Without men with guns telling us what to do, poor us, we would be understandingly confused, and who could stop the count of what we own, not what owns us.