Tim Barrus, New York Times

I am a communist. Sex and kids. Generals and Government. Gears and go-betweens. Diapers and diplomacy. It would be just too easy to cherrypick. But someone axed the cherry tree down. It’s dead. It’s been dead for over a century. But pick away at it, they do and they will. The rich guys have grievances, complaints how the system is rigged against them, and yet they pay no taxes. It must be racism against them. But they don’t pay one penny. Can you imagine a lobbyist for the poor, or a lobbyist for children. But who would pay the lawyers. Two words are forbidden to articulate: Day Care. The old white men do not do day care. What they see are diapers. Believe it. A real man does not acknowledge the diaper. It’s rude. It’s not masculine. It’s not superhero stuff. And it might involve the old white men showing the universe that they have a vulnerability. Not limited to generals.  Sex and kids. After that, economics. What is your stuff belongs to you. What is my stuff belongs to me (I drive a dirt bike). You have more stuff than the poor who have no stuff at all. SNAP (food stamps) allows the grand sum of a dollar thirty nine. Per meal. I am a communist for a reason. Capitalism sliding slippery slopes. Someone will write a book about it all that no one wants to read. We saw it on television. Like Vietnam. Like genocide. And not unlike war. You people are still fighting the War Between the States. Duh. There are analogies between day care and racism. We told you, no diapers.