Tim Barrus New York Times

The End of America, Good Riddance

It is too late to save anything. The slaves in most civilizations had nothing of worth to save. The rich will tell you that there must be something wrong with you – you are probably stupid – if you do not save like they save. Credit cards and billions in debt do not mean the rich. Ever since the Sumarians started counting grains of wheat, the rich have always been aware of the fact that money is ephemeral. It’s the wheat that counts. Not the numbers. Americans will take issue with that. You can take issue with gravity, too. America is done.

I have been driving my motorcycle around the country taking photographs. America is a ghost ship. It will die not unlike other civilizations, ruinous in a shared reach that could not be insufficiently sustained struggling to feed its people. Cildren are hungry. America is immoral.

Hunger is the measurement by which our awareness arrives on the hunger train where we crash by studying how hungry are we. The Department of Agriculture is exactly this. We have snatched defeat from the jaws of denial. Not.

Rome was not sacked by a single historical invasion. Romans had to face persistent assault. Homo Sapien is a mammal. Any power vacuum facilitates Paleolithic Cro-Magnon neurology embracing the myth that there’s a lot to get out of war versus growing food.

The rich will always guard the food. Hoarding is what the rich do. The rich have sold the mythology that capitalism will save us all. Where we slaves become so hungry our babies are dying so we invent various forms of the guillotine.

We have been chopping heads off far, far longer than America has been around. We are not the illusion that we are the elevated animals. We are dangerous carnivores.

The reality is that our species has existed in the blink of an eye. We laugh at the Neanderthals, but they were here, and lasted, for more than a hundred thousand years longer than we have. America is finished.

Good riddance.