Tim Barrus: New York Times
I stand amazed that there is no forest and there are no trees. No one is talking about what is really going on here, and the media does not want to go anywhere near it. Trump exhibits every last one – in classic ways – the behavior of a serial sexual predator.
The deviant’s modus operandi does not begin and end with sex. Paranoid schizophrenia is an illustration. If paranoia cannot find an enemy, these very ill people will make one up. They feel they have the right to sex, power, and the ability to denigrate.
You cannot separate the dynamics of serial predation from the other deviance in a predator’s life. Serial sexual predation spills into self-perception and outside issues that affect the predators interpretations. There is always a victim, and the victim is us.
A wall makes sense to a predator because that is indicative of how he is compelled to create boxes, walls, and modes of behavior linked intransigently to what are symptoms of another era, usually childhood, when the predator first forms a sexuality that is far more than a vastly different take on reality, it’s a vacuum replaced by dominance. To regard Trump as just atypical is to render predation ordinary.
His exploitations and belief systems are, indeed, ordinary. But his values are not confined by gender. If the predator is sick enough, he will find female intervention unacceptable, and women are out to “get him.”
Trump is a quintessential, definitive serial sexual predator who needs professional help.