what appears to exist

i am a very dark person/ wilhelm nietzsche was my problematic love child/ reason is impotent/ every moment in life is subject to the subjective interpretation that dominates and prevails at any point along the timeline of history which is mud clinging to a wall not a linear hierarchy or a dystopian contradiction in terms, but time itself being a player of gravitas and spacetime is of power not just mass or a singularity, and not the truth because there is no such thing/ only context and that is your story, too, even if it’s dogma because you have allowed it to become dogma/ i like to shoot film not in simply available light, but in the lack of available light/ if i take a crew of the smash street boys out on a shoot, they’re good for a couple of hours, maybe three/ but not more than that/ it’s rushed/ my timeline has a very defined ending, the boys don’t have the attention span for projects that might take a couple of days, it limits what we can do, but, often, it’s in the waiting that i can find them/ make eye contact, look into who this kid is, and what you’re going to find is a massive vulnerability, a fearfulness frozen into numb, his testicles pushed hard into his groin, the hiding place of last resort/ evolution does this to the male body so that when fear overtakes him (which is now his new normal, one of many) his balls are saved so he might sire children which would be a really bad idea, children raising children has always been the way of the world, the shadows in the shadows, often, in my art, what appears to exist is just something over there in the shadows/ you can do that in your writing, too/ but it’s dangerous, and people, especially other writers, and, god knows, critics, will all go for your jugular, and they will spill your blood/ the only meaningful response is to get back on your bike, the one you use to tear up the road with, and ride away/ none of the people who will want your ass will have ever so much as ridden a motorcycle even on the back/ barely hanging on/ 2u/ there is never enough time to get more than a few shots of the boys because they are fleeting moments, each one of them is a time machine, and focus is the definition of a gravity only death is allowed to play with/