Trump is the American fetish

Trump is a fetish. An object worshipped for its supposed magical powers because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit. An American fetish. Power always becomes, too, a form of sexual desire in which gratification is firmly connected to an abnormal degree to a particular object. Trump. Yes, we need to remove him. Facilitating people to remove a fetish from their lives is next to impossible. Why? Because the human brain has neurologically discovered reinforcement mechanisms (his magical powers) that lead to a surge of dopamine.

The kind of surge that we also see in addiction. Fentanyl can do much the same thing . We are Trump’s voyeurs. He is our exhibitionist. There is little evidence that suggests the Democratic Party is very good at replacing a fetish. In fact, nothing is very good at replacing a fetish. Where I live, Appalachia, it is quite ordinary for addicts to arrive at a hospital emergency room, get treated for an overdose, and then walk out to participate in the dog and pony show over again and again. We invented Trump. We also invented fentanyl.

We are neurologically entertained by the rush. We need a better emergency room. This is an emergency democracy cannot survive because the center, moderation, cannot hold. Moderate centers not in vogue. Many people do not outlive profound addiction. We are addicted to power. We always have been. We gave Trump a coronation. We can’t convict him. But we can reduce him to the size of a carved stone animal.