Tim Barrus: Your Houses

I can’t really work inside houses because what I do requires so much space. Especially in painting on canvas. But a video might require a set. I am compelled to make sets that are a reflection of where the lyric is gone, or having arrived, or it was all too late, and there is no evidence that too late means indifference, indifference is what adults do, and children learn the ropes. They can ride upon indifference. Or they can relish in the knowledge (and the fact that they know what they are talking about) that they even know the knowledge at all is because you can always start your dirt bike up, kickstart is immediater or what we think is immediate. Nothing is immediate in that place we lie about and can exstrapolate now or sometimes forever. There is no such thing as now because there is no such thing as time. There is only cosmic time, and even that is up for grabs.