Tim Barrus: The Past Is Another Galaxy Entirely

To tell the thing as it is without embelishment. No fancy storytelling because that’s my job. To tell the thing in terms of how I saw it, how I see it, and is it that we all see different things.

Like sex.

Maybe you were there. Maybe you had not attended. Maybe you will be there tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow as reflected by the previous five billion reproductive years. That is a lot of tomorrows. A lot of sex, but the past is closed to us. By physics. By a quantom process that is not a process. In how a processs appears to us. To be. A-to-B-to-C. And even with that, we disagree. And not to disagree, but to ask the inevitable. Why are you here. It’s arrogant. No one knows why they are here. I have no fucking clue as to why I am here. I’m just here. That’s it. I just stole a car for you, what the fuck else do you want. About as ordinary as a rock from the moon. We are the moon.

We are the biggest, most dangerous black hole in the entire fuck bucket universe.